

(Indian Head Massage)

45 mins - £45

The one that everyone has heard of and with good reason - this massage works to release tension and energy blockages across the head, face, neck, shoulders and the arms allowing the prana to freely flow again which revitalises the brain and the nervous system and strengthens the 5 senses.
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(Indian Head Massage)

45 mins - £45

The one that everyone has heard of and with good reason - this massage works to release tension and energy blockages across the head, face, neck, shoulders and the arms allowing the prana to freely flow again which revitalises the brain and the nervous system and strengthens the 5 senses.
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(Indian Head Massage)

45 mins - £45

The one that everyone has heard of and with good reason - this massage works to release tension and energy blockages acr`;osfghjzsfgkljha;fogh;sofigh;osdifghe head, face, neck, shoulders and the arms allowing the prana to freely flow again which revitalises the brain and the nervous system and strengthens the 5 senses.
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(Indian Head Massage)

45 mins - £45

The one that everyone has heard of and with good reason - this massage works to release tension and energy blockages across the head, face, neck, shoulders and the arms allowing the prana to freely flow again which revitalises the brain and the nervous system and strengthens the 5 senses.
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(Indian Head Massage)

45 mins - £45

The one that everyone has heard of and with good reason - this massage works to release tension and energy blockages across the head, face, neck, shoulders and the arms allowing the prana to freely flow again which revitalises the brain and the nervous system and strengthens the 5 senses.
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(Indian Head Massage)

45 mins - £45

The one that everyone has heard of and with good reason - this massage works to release tension and energy blockages across the head, face, neck, shoulders and the arms allowing the prana to freely flow again which revitalises the brain and the nervous system and strengthens the 5 senses.
Book now


(Indian Head Massage)

45 mins - £45

The one that everyone has heard of and with good reason - this massage works to release tension and energy blockages across the head, face, neck, shoulders and the arms allowing the prana to freely flow again which revitalises the brain and the nervous system and strengthens the 5 senses.
Book now

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Phone: +44 7967 229126

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